Abstract & Conference Management

The creation of abstracts and managing conference programs can be a complicated process. To support publishers with these tasks, Aptara provides three service lines.


Abstract writing:

  • Dedicated and trained team of abstract writers, supplemented by a scalable freelance pool of writers to handles spikes in volume
  • Experienced language editors with backgrounds that span all fields of study
  • Value-added services such as font vetting and font remediation
  • An in-house tool that provides a user-friendly interface for viewing input content, writing or editing an abstract, built-in MS Word features such as a customized dictionary, and an underlying XML architecture


Conference proceeding creation:

  • Ongoing formatting and conversion of written material (MS Word, LaTeX, PDF) to full-text XML and/or HTML5 for digital and print components
  • Online proceeding site creation and management, including domain and SSL registration, user access controls, static page creation and updating for each conference, and cloud-based hosting


Event Management

  • For complete conference event management, Aptara created a full-service platform called APTstractsTM, a cloud-based service for conference proceedings management and publishing.


Key Abstract & Conference Management

Some of our Key Abstract & Conference Management Solutions Include:

  • Full event coordination with secure access for Organizers, Conference Vendors, and other stakeholders
  • Handles LaTeX, MS Word, and PDF inputs, and output to any format required
  • Allows for bulk ingestion of papers
  • Able to integrate with a publisher’s content store
  • Standardized author templates to map an auto-conversion process from single-source documents
  • The option of an email-based dashboard for hassle-free system access and file processing
  • Technical HelpDesk for all users

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