SciPrisTM – Open Access

The only constant in the global move to Open Access is change. Current workflows and systems are not fit for purpose and do not provide the necessary scalability, configurability, interoperability and agility demanded by publishers, funders, institutions and authors. Business models continue to evolve, publishers’ systems are strained and the author experience is compromised. Today’s Open Access stakeholders require data driven cloud based solutions that benefit all stakeholders today and in the future.

Future-proof your OA with SciPris

The SciPrisTM platform was built on the premise that every publisher’s OA/APC program is unique, and, as such, Aptara’s approach is to standardize the core functionality relevant to most publishers while allowing each implementation to be customized. With SciPrisTM, publishers can connect with authors, institutes, and funders to accurately fast-track revenue collection and facilitate Creative Commons license selection.

Scipris - Open Access Image

Key features of SciPrisTM

Some Of The Key Features Of SciPrisTM are:

  • Captures rich metadata from peer review and production systems to drive critical automation, accuracy, and comprehensive reporting.
  • Utilizes various identification systems to track users (ORCID, GRID, ROR, Ringgold, FundRef, ISNI, others)
  • Applies publisher-specific business rules to identify user discounts and waivers based on affiliation, membership, country of origin, and any other data point
  • Handles tiered pricing based on content type and agreement parameters.
  • Maintains institutional drawdown accounts, including the application of credits and debits, tokens, promo codes, and notifications when a minimum threshold is met
  • Handles multiple currencies and includes an automated tax calculation engine
  • Processes credit card, wire transfer, check payments, and other digital wallets (PayPal, etc.) via PCI-compliant gateway
  • Includes publisher, author and institution/funder portals with customized reports that can be downloaded in multiple formats.
  • Supports user and publisher inquires via an Aptara-staffed HelpDesk available during the hours required via email, chat, and phone


Aptara Success-Stories
  • As a new publisher with limited in-house capacity, it was important for us to find a trusted partner to work with when collecting APC payments. Having worked with Aptara for many years, I was confident that SciPris would be the right solution, and I was correct. The system is simple to use and works effectively, enabling us to scale more quickly.

  • “In a fast-evolving publishing environment it is important to OUP to maintain flexibility while operating in line with industry standards – working with Aptara to implement SciPris enables us to do this. The system supports authors and our institutional partners in a simple streamlined way.

Integrations And Standards

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