Editorial & Production Services

To ‘Oxford comma’ or not to ‘Oxford comma’, is up to you as the publisher. As your service provider for any editorial and production services, we’ll be sure to enforce your preference.


Most publishers still recognize that the entire publishing process works most effectively with a well-prepared and especially well-copyedited manuscript. With journals having submissions from across the globe and an international audience for the end product, a consistently edited manuscript is essential for your content to be understood by your audience and aggregators. Before manuscripts even reach the copy editor, we utilize ever-advancing pre-editing tools to clean and validate these files when they arrive in our office. That processing is bookended by a suite of author-proofing tools, all while supporting a multitude of publishing models.


In between that manuscript receipt and author proof delivery, Aptara offers US- and India-based copyediting services to fit your budget and editorial needs. Whether you choose our onshore or offshore model, we utilize pools of copy editors familiar with commonly used styles including Chicago, MLA, APA, CSE, etc., and that can handle content in any field of study.


Onshore, Aptara maintains a pool of approximately 100 freelance copy editors located in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, the vast majority of whom are former employees of major publishers throughout the world.


Offshore, copy editor recruitment is conducted at colleges and universities throughout India and via referrals from qualified industry sources. All candidates are assessed using a standardized, four-part proprietary test.


Additionally, all Aptara offshore copy editors undergo proprietary language-skills assessments annually. Aptara currently has three programs designed to enhance the skills and increase the retention of qualified offshore resources. These include weekly remote sessions with staff covering a variety of copyediting and language issues, and a CE MVP program, aimed at recognizing our best offshore copy editor each month.

Some of our key Editorial and Production Services solutions include:

  • Ability to handle all publishing models and deliverables (PMC, NLM, JATS): publish ahead of print, article-by article or issue-based utilizing our XML-first production platform
  • US- or India-based customer service
  • Production Editor / Managing Editor roles utilizing former publishing staff
  • CANDICE: AI / Machine Learning-based editorial assessment using natural language processing (NLP)
  • Page composition / typesetting suite of servicing (including indexing, proofreading, graphics processing, and image forensics) and using applications such as LaTeX, InDesign, and 3B2
  • SciXeditor: Aptara’s SciXeditor is tailored to support both LaTeX and MS Word inputs seamlessly. It has an HTML interface with XML as both input and output. The application facilitates all essential functions required during copyediting.
  • SciProof: HTML-based online proofing solution allows authors to make proof changes in a WYSIWYG fashion that the publisher can see/approve/reject/etc.
  • PXE5: Aptara’s end-to-end publishing platform with an underlying XML architecture and MS Word-like editing environment.

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