QA & Testing Services

Quality assurance (QA) for complex, customized technologies is a complex, customized process. Aptara deciphers that complexity.


If these key functions are dispersed across multiple departments and products, the cost ramifications can be substantial. Yet if implemented unsuccessfully, a shared service model can create a more troubling expense: decreased quality.


Aptara offers a comprehensive set of services for the design, management, and deployment of a QA process customized for your technology systems and centralized applications—services and strategies that cut costs while improving QA metrics.


Distinct Solutions for Diverse Challenges

For QA requirements analysis, test design, test execution, defect tracking, and metrics reporting, Aptara relies on both proprietary, tool-independent automation, frameworks, and cutting-edge test automation technology, including:

  • Quality Center
  • Microsoft Visual Studio TFS
  • Enterprise Test Management
  • Version One
  • JIRA
  • Zoho Bug Tracker

We are skilled in testing Technology & E-learning projects, including functional, non-functional, and leveraging automation services.

Technology Projects – Functional testing

Complex web applications developed over Microsoft technologies (.Net), Java platform & other frameworks like Salesforce, custom made CMS solutions are tested for their functionalities. Below types of testing are conducted to ensure complete requirements coverage.

  • Functional Manual Testing
    • Integration Testing
    • System Testing
    • Acceptance Testing
    • Regression Testing
    • Database Testing
    • Functional Automation
    • Selenium IDE
    • Selenium Web Driver
    • Web Services Testing
    • Postman
    • SOAP UI


E-Learning Courses & LMS Testing

Course content & LMS are systematically tested against client requirements. Following types of testing are conducted to ensure the complete coverage of the same.

  • Language Testing (LQA)
  • Functional Testing (FQA)
  • Compliance Testing


Mobile Testing – Application & Web

Web applications, LMS applications, Web sites, and Courses are validated on mobile devices and tablets. They are tested across the applicable OS/browser to conform to the client requirement.

  • Testing Native Applications (iOS & Android)
  • Testing Hybrid Mobile Web Browser Applications (iOS & Android)


Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing

Web applications are thoroughly tested against the required combinations of operating systems and browsers to ensure compatibility. Cloud-based tools can also be used to validate compatibility.

  • PC – Windows 7, 8 & 10 –IE9, IE10, IE11, Chrome, Firefox & Safari
  • Apple Mac – Safari, Chrome & Firefox
  • Tools – Browser Stack (Cloud-based tool)



If you prefer, we can train your staff in best-practice testing processing and implementation. Aptara also offers independent validation and verification services to complement clients’ internal QA functions.


We do it ourselves

Everything designed and built by Aptara’s development teams—from applications to learning content—is tested by our own internal QA teams, using the same automated testing strategies and technologies that we provide for our clients.

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