Clinical Studies & PICO Tagging

Clinical studies are complex to comprehend for even the seasoned biopharma professional. Given that computational information is imperative in today’s digital world, there is a need to close the communication gap between the biomedical informatics community and the artificial intelligence community.


The Aptara team uses the PICO framework to frame and answer clinical and healthcare-related questions and to develop search strategies in our systematic reviews. Identifying the Patient, Problem, or Population (P), the Intervention (I), the Comparison, Control, or Comparator (C), and the Outcomes (O) in a clinical trial helps medical researchers in finding clinically relevant evidence.

By providing one-on-one mapping of data elements and biomedical ontologies, we help:

  • Curate metadata from the existing restricted vocabulary.
  • Construct queries and query terms to enhance the existing taxonomy.
  • Maintain semantic integrity while making clinical data understandable and reusable.

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