Compliant Document Design

As part of our end-to-end managed document processing services, Aptara’s graphic designers create templates and documents—print or electronic, for delivery to any device or platform—that comply with the requirements of any regulatory agency or corporation, for any industry, and localized for anywhere in the world:

  • New drug applications (NDA)
  • Structured product labeling
  • Public company regulatory filings, including 8-K, 10-K, and 10-Q
  • Mutual fund prospectuses
  • Deposition summaries


We also establish and manage corporate design guides and style sheets for all marketing and communications materials to ensure corporate design integrity.


25 years, 24/7

Our document engineering staff is available 24/7/365, guaranteeing production support, and quick turnaround for our clients in healthcare, banking, financial services, insurance, and consumer product manufacturing.


Scalable, full-service document processing means cost savings, and Aptara’s 25 years of experience in compliant document design, production, and management ensures quality.

Banking, finance, and Dodd-Frank

Financial regulation stemming from the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform, Sarbanes-Oxley, and Consumer Protection acts is affecting all banks, financial services firms, and insurance companies.


When dealing with financial documents, errors and missed filing deadlines are simply not an option. Some must be generated 24/7/365—and turned around as fast as possible.


Aptara handles all types of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) mandated filings, including:

  • Corporate compliance financial statements (6-K, 8-K, 10-K, 10-Q)
  • Notes and proxy statements
  • Mutual funds risk/return summary filings (form N-1A)
  • Schedules of investments
  • Prospectuses
  • Shareholder communications and reports


And we handle required filings for:

  • Investment management
  • IPOs
  • M&As
  • Demutualization
  • Bankruptcies


We also manage EDGAR and SEDAR filings, as well as filings required by the European Union’s financial regulations.


The need for speed

You must process your compliance documents fast—but you can’t afford to sacrifice accuracy. Aptara provides precise, flexible, and scalable document processing services that respond to changing market requirements. And we support them around-the-clock.


For healthcare companies, that translates into fewer coding errors, even as the codes change from one year to the next.


For investment management groups, insurance companies, investment banks, and publicly traded companies, the operational efficiencies that Aptara brings to your compliance reporting will minimize your risk and cost less than in-house document processing.


Compliance assurance. Assurance insurance.

Aptara ensures that your documents comply with all laws and regulations, including HIPAA and product safety requirements for pharmaceuticals and consumer goods.


To guarantee the quality, all business continuity management systems are audited and certified by accredited third-party agencies for conformance to required standards, including ISO 9001:2008 for quality management systems and ISO/IEC 27001:2005 for information security management systems.

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    Aptara Corp