Global Support Services

Software Testing/Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance (QA), user experience analysis, and software testing for complex, customized technologies can pose a challenge for any internal QA team—especially if that team is dispersed across different product departments.


Aptara’s hand-picked consultants provide a comprehensive set of services for the design and management of a QA process customized specifically for your technology — and bring all the cost and quality benefits of a centralized service model.


For QA requirement analysis, test design, test automation, test execution, defect tracking, and metrics reporting, our QA experts utilize tool-independent automation frameworks and cutting-edge test automation technology, including:

  • Quality Center
  • Rational ClearQuest
  • Bugzilla
  • JIRA
  • LoadRunner

They have access to Aptara’s proprietary QA technology as well.


Aptara’s consultants are also experts in regression testing tools like Selenium and QTP for both functional and non-functional testing.


Keeping your Gamers Gaming

We can provide specialists in QA designed for multiplatform gaming products, including Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs). These specialists can execute and manage to debug and defect management throughout the entire development process, from pre-alpha to alpha to beta-testing, to release versions.


Keeping your Business Going

Though our consultants remain on our payroll, they become a seamless extension of your own operations—right down to their email addresses and the employee orientation they receive. They get to know you, your business, and the way you like to work.


Our professionals are available for a single long-term project, many shorter projects over the long term, or an open-ended engagement. By nimbly accommodating the ebbs and flows of your workload, Aptara takes the guesswork out of expense planning.


Aptara helps you find the right professionals for your business.

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