Global Support Services

Programming/Software Engineering

Numerous Technology Platforms

Aptara’ssoftware engineers don’t try to pigeonhole your application development needs into the platform they like the best. We choose the right platforms and development environments for your company’s eCommerce, mobile app development, and content management systems needs.


Aptara can provide experts in the following Oracle and Open Source technologies:


  • Java
  • J2EE

Open Source

  • PHP
  • Moodle
  • Magento and various JavaScript frameworks
  • MySQL
  • PhoneGap

They can also support your own Oracle and open-source application development projects.


Numerous Microsoft technology platforms

Aptara’s application programmers and software engineers can deliver effective, scalable solutions with Microsoft technologies and platforms:

  • .NET (development environment)
  • ASP.NET (enterprise web applications)
  • Azure (Cloud hosting)
  • SharePoint (content management solutions)
  • Silverlight (rich interactive web)

Getting to Know You

Though our consultants remain on our payroll, they become a seamless extension of your operations—right down to their email addresses and the employee orientation they receive. They get to know you, your business, and the way you like to work.


Our professionals are available for a single long-term project, many shorter projects over the long term, or an open-ended engagement. By nimbly accommodating the ebbs and flows of your workload, Aptara takes the guesswork out of expense planning.


Our business is finding the right professionals for your business.

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