Global Support Services

Customer Acquisition


Building a base of loyal customers starts with winning new business.


Premium leads—cost-effectively

Aptara’s customer acquisition specialists generate quality leads that match your target contact profile and desired lead volume. And we quickly ramp-up or scale-down staffing to do so economically.


Aptara’s Customer Acquisition Center is a powerful business development tool. Our services include:

  • Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer sales solutions
  • Customer retention management
  • Database cleansing
  • Inbound and outbound sales
  • Lead generation campaigns
  • Upsell and cross-sell programs


Your industry, your company

In addition to top-notch communication skills, Aptara’s specialists have industry-specific experience. Their process and style are mapped to your company’s culture and sales approach. They become a de facto extension of your sales organization.


Our solutions maximize sales opportunities for each new contact, enhance your customer database, and provide accurate targeting for future sales campaigns. By tracking customer lifetime value to the cost of acquisition, Aptara streamlines sales processes, and reduces their costs.

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    Aptara Corp