Geographic Information System (GIS)

For geoscientists, researchers, students, and professors from the Oil & Gas industry and academic institutions.


Today’s geoscientists and researchers face major challenges due to volatile oil and gas market conditions and reduced academic research budgets. Efficiency is key, but geoscientists spend up to 80% of their time searching for and formatting geoscience information and data rather than on analysis and interpretation. They need a faster, more efficient approach to make better interpretations and recommendations.

Aptara provides Geo-reference Tagging services and digitizes maps with their coordinates, project system, and other spatial information along with their associated research articles and assets like tables, charts, and references, for the most comprehensive solution of its kind, with these benefits:

  • Reduce Risk — Mitigate geologic risks in prospect evaluation and development of existing assets
  • Do More With Less — Optimize operations, streamline processes, and reduce unnecessary expenditures
  • Develop an Agile Strategy — Quickly react to and build plans for lease sales with limited time
  • Fill in Knowledge Gaps
  • Increase Efficiency

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    Aptara Corp