SciPRTM – Peer Review and Support

Aptara offers three very distinct services that can improve your peer review process in a multitude of ways. First, Aptara offers its peer review service, SciPRTM an online manuscript submission and peer review system, which integrates with our production system PowerManage™.

Second, Aptara can manage the peer review process for proprietary and third-party systems, resulting in considerable cost and time savings for publishing staff.

Finally, peer review databases are often cluttered, contain duplicate or forged entries, and Aptara provides a maintenance service that authenticates all entries.


SciPRTM is a hassle-free online manuscript submission and peer review system that helps publishers and journals expedite their editorial process. It includes configurable workflows and roles, automated emails, configurable roles, and the online storage and tracking of files and forms.


Key features include:

  • Easy and intuitive user interface 
  • Online workflow from submission to production
  • Integrates with all Aptara production systems as well as any third-party system
  • Customizable to meet your workflow


Peer Review Administration includes direct assistance to authors, editors, reviewers, and other journal contacts throughout the peer review process, and the solution is customized to each client’s requirements and the peer review platform they utilize. Aptara’s fully trained staff handles every step throughout the peer review process, including setting up new systems, performing the day-to-day tasks of running a peer review system, and readying files for production.


Peer Review Database Cleanup resolves databases that are cluttered with fake accounts, duplicates, and unusable data, leading to inappropriate authorship. Since complete transparency in authorship is essential for maintaining integrity and accountability in scientific publications and ensuring public confidence in medical research, it very important to have an authentic and up-to-date database of peer reviewers. 


Aptara’s Peer Review User Database Cleanup service includes checking, comparing, and cleaning up user account databases to ensure data integrity, and is customized to the client’s requirements and their peer review platform.


Tasks include:

  • Retention of user accounts that have an ORCID ID, is on the client’s Domain (, or are from valid institutional domains (such as,,, etc.)
  • Evaluation of user accounts through Internet research for names and/or email addresses
  • Validation of user accounts that have an affiliation, are searchable within their stated affiliation, lead to a professional profile for the account holder, or are supported by a social media account with relevant corroboration
  • Deactivation of user accounts that are determined to be inactive or have little or no corroborating data or are otherwise suspect
  • Identification of user accounts with missing institutional IDs 
  • Notification to users that institutional IDs need to be created; follow up contact is pursued if there is no response to the initial request
  • Fixing of data lapses

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