Stakeholder Benefits


  • Automate OA workflows, processes and license types
  • In depth, real time data driven reporting
  • Manages multiple agreement types (present and future)
  • Manages multiple content types (articles, chapters, case studies, proceedings)
  • ecommerce; multi-currency, invoice, taxation, discounts/waivers, chasing
  • Enhanced author experience
  • Reduce errors
  • Reduce manual processes
  • Centralize OA operations
  • Speed content to publication
  • Increase cash flow/ reduce bad debt
  • Scalable, agile, rules driven, configurable,
  • Interoperable with OA Switchboard, OABLE
  • Security/privacy/PCI compliant
  • Manage promotions/discounts
  • Maintains permanent record
  • Multi fee collection (APC’s, submission, page/color)
  • Framework for transformative agreements
  • Supports FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable)


  • Intuitive, user friendly interface
  • Agreement matching
  • Manage multiple author services payments in one transaction
  • Simplify author/institution payments
  • Automates discount/waiver eligibility
  • Author portal log-in
  • In app author support
  • Fast and Accurate
  • Maintains permanent record


  • Real time portal access
  • Agreement matching
  • Real time communication hub connects with publisher/author(s)
  • Approve/deny loop
  • Automates multiple agreement models (APC’s, draw down accounts, token based transactions)
  • Metadata driven reporting
  • Interoperable (OA Switchboard, OABLE)
  • Transparency
  • Maintains permanent record
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    Aptara Corp